Join this week’s episode as we discuss Yvonne’s journey of meaning and how she is helping other’s articulate theirs. Yvonne …
11 Tips to Develop a Career Plan That Will Bring You Happiness
Are you stuck trying to figure out what career you want? Or is your main challenge that you have a …
Finding Purpose in Your Career with the 3E Method of Change©
Ellevate Network – Originally Published on Medium May 4, 2021 In Steve Jobs’s commencement speech at Stanford University, he said: You …
3 Examples of Successful Career Goals
Attainable career goals can change your life trajectory.
Ep. 4 Fight Your Programming, Find Your Purpose with Mrs. Jaclyn Vazquez
Today’s episode takes a deep dive into the emotional barriers we must overcome to make space and show up our …
12 Tips for Being Unconventional to Advance Your Career…#12 is the best!
Why being yourself is always the best policy.
Ep. 10 Literacy & Kindness: Education’s Core Values
Join us this week to hear the pandemic lessons from Lindenhurst School District. My guest Dr. Lisa Omeis shares her …
Work with a Purpose.
After the wildness of 2020, companies are beginning to reach a new normal again. In the latest Gallup poll, that has had a positive impact, with employee engagement up 3% over the previous year. When employees are engaged, they’re more productive and more enthusiastic, produce higher quality work, and are much more likely to stay at their company. Find out how greater purpose can help you engage more fully at work.
Ep. 9 Tackling the Sacred Cows of Higher Education with M.E. Yancosek Gamble, Fairmont St.
Tune in as we deep dive into some of the most important but controversial challenges in today’s Higher Education environment. …
Three Ways To Incorporate Authentic Impact Into Your Business
Melanie HicksForbes Councils MemberForbes Business Development CouncilApril 19, 2021 “If you think you are too small to make an impact, …