Ep. 24 Humanity over Pageantry; the True Secret to Business Success with Michael Glazer

It is not everyday that you engage with a person for the first time and realize you hold nearly identical shared values. It not only leads to great conversation but meaningful connection. Join me on that discovery in this week’s episode with Michael Glazer. 

Michael Glazer is a leadership coach, organizational development consultant and corporate trainer whose client work spans 15 countries across four continents. He speaks English and Japanese and has worked with leaders at companies including Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, Dyson, Mitsubishi and Hitachi. Michael has also guest lectured at Kyoto University and at the United States Air Force Academy.

Michael’s coaching focuses on working with next-generation senior leaders in Japan and Asia-Pacific. He has led leadership and coaching skills workshops for thousands of Fortune 500 professionals in the healthcare, IT, manufacturing, luxury brand, automotive, financial services, CPG and trading industries.

People First is his mantra. It guides how he collaborates with others to help them create their own paths to success and growth – and to inspire them to help others to grow and succeed. Michael has broad experiences as a commercial and global functional head at leading firms including Morgan Stanley, public relations firm Burson-Marsteller (now BCW) and Dell.

Michael earned a BA from the University of North Carolina, an MA from the University of Colorado and an external coaching certificate from the Teachers College Columbia University (C3P). He is a Coach AcceleratorTM Enhanced Practitioner and was trained by the former global head of executive coaching at Google. Michael holds Saville Consulting and Lumina Practitioner accreditations, and he is a Ken Blanchard Companies certified trainer in SLII and Leading People Through Change. Michael is also an active member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan.

Conversation References:

NYT Article on Languishing by Adam Grant: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/well/mind/covid-mental-health-languishing.html

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