An Interactive Experience Changing Women Into Financial Warriors

An intitiative of InPursuit Research


Def: [noun]
The title given to a woman equivalent to the rank of knight.

OUR Def: [noun]
A woman who unapologetically advocates for her own financial freedom.


Invest Like a Dame was designed by women, for women. ALL women. We are rolling out the drawbridge for everyone regardless of background. In our sessions, we highlight examples
that every woman can relate to while cultivating an environment that embraces and celebrates all races, identities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and personal experiences.


Our central goal is to provide our audiences with clear, relevant information that can be immediately applied in the real world. We equip women with the swords and shields they need to become their own financial warrior.


We empower our participants to take control over their investment journey by involving them in the process. We eliminate the lecture format and immerse our participants in sessions that incorporate relevant scenarios, practical application and opportunities to collaborate and ask
questions. We make it engaging and fun!

The Call to Action

Historically, women lack confidence in their capability to invest. A Fidelity report shares that merely 9% of women believe they make better investors than men. A study by Merrill Lynch found that only 52% of women say they feel confident managing their investments,
compared to 68% of men.

According to FINRA, 71% of men evaluate themselves as having a high level of investment knowledge, compared to 54% of women. Similarly, 49% of men feel comfortable making investment decisions, compared to only 34% of women. After reviewing this data, it’s not surprising that only 23% of Certified Financial Planners arewomen.

We founded Invest Like a Dame with a goal to change this narrative. We strive to empower women with the knowledge and confidence to advocate for themselves through the power of investment.

Taking up Arms

The InPursuit Team leverages a combined thirty years of education, facilitation and speaking expertise to engage audiences in a multidimensional, interactive experience.

Invest Like a Dame is organized into a 60-90 minute format that includes large group speaking, small group collaboration and independent exercises. The agenda and materials are shared and approved in advance by the organization.

Our workshops are free of cost as a service of InPursuit Research, a 501(c)3.

Be Your Own Knight in Shining Armour
Wondering where to start?