After the wildness of 2020, companies are beginning to reach a new normal again. In the latest Gallup poll, that has had a positive impact, with employee engagement up 3% over the previous year. When employees are engaged, they’re more productive and more enthusiastic, produce higher quality work, and are much more likely to stay at their company. Find out how greater purpose can help you engage more fully at work.
Smiles for Miles; 6 Tips To Create A Happier Workplace
It shouldn’t be surprising to know that being happy has positive benefits across the board. Happy people are more likely to have stronger relationships—both personally and professional. They’re more likely to be healthier, both mentally and physically, and they’re even more likely to accomplish more at work. Read on to find tips for making work a happier place.
4 Times When You Absolutely Need An Executive Coach
Despite how resourceful we might be, there will be things we struggle with grappling on our own. We may have no idea how to find our purpose, network, take the leap into freelancing, ask for a promotion, or start a side-hustle. 2020 may also have not been kind to us, and we’re still struggling to find a position after being laid off. Find out when a coach is right for you.
We all need help: 6 ways an Executive Coach can change your career
When you’re in the middle of your day-to-day routine, you may lose sight of the bigger picture, what you should …
3 Simple Steps to Kick Start Your Home-Based Business
Try these 3 simple steps to kick start your home based business.
The 3 Things Women Want in the Workplace in 2021
2020 was a year like no other. The challenging circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with schools closed, high rates …