
4 Times When You Absolutely Need An Executive Coach

Despite how resourceful we might be, there will be things we struggle with grappling on our own. We may have no idea how to find our purpose, network, take the leap into freelancing, ask for a promotion, or start a side-hustle. 2020 may also have not been kind to us, and we’re still struggling to find a position after being laid off. 

During those times it’s important to consider Solomon’s Paradox. We’re all familiar with King Solomon, leader of the Jewish Kingdom, very wise, yet made terrible personal decisions. University of Waterloo psychological scientist Igor Grossman dubbed this the “Solomon’s Paradox.” We’re simply more likely to be able to advise others than ourselves. 

This is why when you’re struggling for one reason or another, you should get help from someone else. You will never be your best advisor. Thankfully, there are executive, career, or business coaches that can help you, and here are four times you should definitely give up and hire one. 

  1. You’ve stopped enjoying your job. 

Sometimes something going on with us personally will make us feel frustrated and irritated with our career, but it could also be one of several other reasons. We could not have or have lost sight of our purpose. Our job may feel ultimately meaningless. We may no longer enjoy the people we work with or what we are working on. We may feel as if there’s a ceiling preventing us from getting promoted. 

An executive coach will be able to support you in getting through whatever your hang-up is. They could help you suss out what’s been going on with you personally, what’s changed at your job that you don’t like, or what may be holding you back from enjoying or finding purpose at your current job. They may also give you tips on how to bring back that spark you once had to your desk every morning. They may also be able to provide you some insight to help you connect back to yourself

2. You’re not getting any bites. 

If you recently lost your job or are fresh out of school and have been trying to find a job but it’s as if you’re sending your resume out into oblivion and getting no replies, it would definitely be time to enlist the help of a trained career coach. 

They will be able to tell if your resume isn’t the best fit for the jobs you’re applying, if your skills don’t match the jobs you want, or if you’re not taking advantage of networking opportunities. You never want to feel like you’re wasting your time, especially when you may be running through your savings or be struggling with real fears around economic insecurity. 

Hiring a career coach may seem like an expense that just isn’t worth it when you’re already worried about money, but hiring one may actually be the difference between getting a job very soon and…not soon enough.

3. You seem to be terrible at interviews.

The market can be extremely competitive, so if you’re landing interviews, that’s great! But if you’re still not getting the job after those interviews, something may not be right. This would be another important time to seek how the experience and advice of an executive coach. 

You may know exactly what the problem is: maybe you freeze or struggle answering certain types of questions. Or, worse, you may have no idea. You may think the interviews all went great only to still not land the job. 

An executive coach will be able to help you figure out exactly what the issue is and how to correct it. 

If you struggle with freezing up or mouth-vomiting inappropriately, an executive coach will be able to role-play a mock interview with you. They’ll be able to give you tips and tricks, so you can intelligently and appropriately respond to every question you might be asked.

If it’s another reason why you’re not landing the job, they’ll be able to help you suss that out and provide solutions for that too. 

4. You’re switching careers.

Changing jobs is stressful enough, but changing careers is an entirely different beast. An executive coach should be able to help you figure out if now is the right time to make that change or if it would require more schooling, professional development, etc. They will also be able to advise on how to best position yourself once you begin applying. You will likely need the guidance to be able to stand out to potential employers even though you’re brand new in that field or market. 

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